Manchester healthcare staff to perform public play to end mental health stigma
A team of healthcare professionals are stepping out of the clinic and into the spotlight to raise awareness of young people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing.
A team of healthcare professionals are stepping out of the clinic and into the spotlight to raise awareness of young people’s mental health and emotional wellbeing.
The video Inspiring Stories has been created as part of the city’s Youth Day – a day of activities organised by young people for young people which celebrates the contribution young Salfordians make to their city.
The closure of Kids Company following the withdrawal of a £3million government bailout has shone a spotlight on young people’s charities like never before.
Manchester Youth Council is calling for more, and easily accessible, help and support for the city’s young people suffering from mental health problems.
It turns out Manchester’s 24-hour party people are still partying as a study reveals the city’s 60-somethings are keeping up with the lifestyle of those in their 20s.
Self-harm is putting significantly more young people in hospital in Greater Manchester than in the rest of the country, new figures reveal.
Although the hash-tag – which has revolved around teenage girls declaring their love for Ed Miliband, the Labour leader – has attracted a vast amount of attention, there is no real evidence that it has resulted in an increase in the politician’s popularity.
The dying art of restoring classic cars is getting a brand new, souped-up engine and much needed paint job thanks to a specialist Manchester mechanics and an apprenticeships charity.
Manchester teens are doing their bit to stub out smoking amongst their peers after Action on Smoking on Health (ASH) figures revealed 18,000 young people take up cigarettes each year in the region.
A surge in Green Party supporters in Manchester shows people no longer have to think about ‘tactical voting’, says Withington Prospective Parliamentary Candidate.
A Salford woman has taken inspiration from her own battle against illness and her mother’s advice of ‘if you don’t life you’ll cry’, by conjuring up her own charity.
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