‘A rubbish company’: CQC expose ‘strong evidence’ of bullying by Manchester carers
A Manchester care provider has been slammed as ‘poorly organised and no good’ amidst allegations of bullying.
A Manchester care provider has been slammed as ‘poorly organised and no good’ amidst allegations of bullying.
Families facing homelessness in Salford and Trafford will have some cheer this Christmas, after staff at Salix Homes housing association have collected a ‘mountain of gifts’.
A new online grocery retailer has joined forces with local food and drink suppliers to help provide Mancunians with more honest and healthy food.
An art tutor, who was forced to stop painting after suffering two heart attacks, has finally seen his First World War tribute unveiled after it was completed by his students.
The warning comes as colleagues across Manchester last night faced a race against time to register for a crucial ballot on strike action.
Police have released CCTV following a theft at the bureau de change at the Asda store, which happened shortly before 3.45pm on July 29.
The Modern Slavery Act 2015 is the first of its kind in Europe and specifically addresses slavery and trafficking in the 21st Century.
One legendary cobbled street synonymous with Manchester will become the home for a new set of Weatherfield residents later in the year.
Patients at a Trafford care home have been left feeling unsafe as they are treated by ‘strangers’ and given incorrect doses of their medicine, a Care Quality Commission report reveals.
Councillor Sean Anstee has heralded the move for reducing low paid workers’ reliance on tax credits while Labour MP for Manchester Central Lucy Powell dismissed the chancellor’s move as a ‘sleight of hand’ that would leave Manchester workers out of pocket.
Figures, requested under the Freedom of Information Act, shows that the cash-strapped council spent £62, 205.75 in 2014/15 alone, despite proposing 122 job cuts in December.
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