Sorry seems to ‘Leigh’ the hardest word: Elton John tickets go on sale to see Rocketman touch down in Wigan
Elton John plays Leigh Sports Village on June 21
Elton John plays Leigh Sports Village on June 21
The fighter began his UFC career on The Ultimate Fighter
Black History Month 2013 still has much to offer in Manchester
The decision comes as part of the £200,000 set aside by each Premier League club
Moody American quintet The National play Manchester O2 Apollo on November 11
The WTF World Taekwondo Grand Prix will run from December 13
The Black Angels’ Texas-honed brand of psychedelia comes to Manchester
Prodigy set for December WHP 2013 dates
Identity Parade, Poutfest, Posh Tramps and Papooses and more
Video game, sci-fi and comic book fans will descend upon the city in their thousands
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