Salford Council WRITE-OFF £860,000 of ‘irrecoverable’ debts… reclaiming just 1%
The ‘irrecoverable debts’ relating to council tax, business rates, benefit overpayments and tenant arrears were shelved in a low-key council meeting yesterday afternoon
The ‘irrecoverable debts’ relating to council tax, business rates, benefit overpayments and tenant arrears were shelved in a low-key council meeting yesterday afternoon
Salford has become one of only five British cities to back an international campaign aimed at protecting children against sexual violence.
Salford University have joined an ambitious £650 million regeneration project, in partnership with Together Housing Group, to help rejuvenate the Pendleton area of the city.
The judge has upheld the possession order submitted by Peel Holdings, who own the Barton Moss site, forcing protesters to leave by noon tomorrow
Salford Mayor Ian Stewart launches renewed attack on coalition as he outlines plans for council tax freeze
Unison have threatened to ballot for industrial action
The canal is more than 250 years old
Council say centre will help build up confidence and independence of patients
The man was crushed by a lorry in September 2012
The cake-off is dedicated to the town’s world famous Eccles cake
Campaigners met in Eccles last week
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