No penny lane here! South Manchester home to most expensive streets in region
The report says addresses in Altrincham, Prestbury and Wilmslow play host to half of the entire North West’s top ten most expensive streets.
The report says addresses in Altrincham, Prestbury and Wilmslow play host to half of the entire North West’s top ten most expensive streets.’s latest interactive buy-to-let investment map makes fascinating reading for anyone living in or around Manchester.
‘Revenge evictions’ are on the rise across the North West as Britain’s housing shortage remains rife, an investigational study by Shelter has shown
Manchester landlords and land owners should make regular safety inspections of their electrical systems in order to keep safe.
Marshall Joseph, 56, was the boss of a housing crime gang which ‘stole’ luxury homes across Britain and then illegally used them to obtain a string of loans
Moving house can be costly, with much more than the price of the house to consider
Manchester tops the disparity table while Stockport, Bury, Rochdale and Salford all make the top 20.
Bonus payment is the largest in the North West
More than 100,000 students in Manchester across its three universities
GMP oppose results found in Rightmove survey
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