New green vision for Manchester’s freshest neighbourhood revealed
Bruntwood and the Select Property Group are in the middle of transforming the former BBC site in Oxford Road into a new district for living, working, shopping and socialising.
Bruntwood and the Select Property Group are in the middle of transforming the former BBC site in Oxford Road into a new district for living, working, shopping and socialising.
A new civic movement is calling for people to name the good, bad and ugly of Manchester’s architecture with its first award ceremony.
Manchester is a melting pot of culture and style and is becoming one of Europe’s fastest growing, and most recognisable, creative hubs.
Britain’s Japanese knotweed pandemic, which costs the economy over £166million per year, is set to be tackled by a recently-launched Greater Manchester company.
Thousands of private renters in the North West are said to have suffered illegal acts at the hands of landlords, according to new research.
Oldham Council will now start the selection process for a developer or investment partner for the Prince’s Gate at Oldham Mumps scheme, was approved by the authority’s Cabinet last night.
A video of Greater Manchester Police ‘stealing’ and throwing away homeless protesters’ tents in St Ann’s Square has gone viral on social media but their solicitor says ‘nothing short of a death’ will get the council to care.
MM compiled a list of city centre properties across all price ranges and compared them to islands across the globe up for sale and… we definitely recommend you buy an island.
Just half a mile out of town is Altrincham Retail Park – yet another boring concrete metropolis with shops no different from anywhere else in the country. But there’s a twist: it’s the Queen’s.
An increasing number of aspiring property owners and investors are turning to alternate and creative solutions in order to overcome the challenges of the housing market.
A 77 bedroom student property in Fallowfield goes on the market at just £3,800,000 but house hunting website Zoopla’s listing claims it can home 84, prompting concern from Councillor David Royle
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