Just do it: Students urged to vote, ‘no matter who for’ by Manchester Labour candidate
Ed Miliband’s call to students to make sure they are registered to vote, has been backed by a Labour Parliamentary candidate for Manchester.
Ed Miliband’s call to students to make sure they are registered to vote, has been backed by a Labour Parliamentary candidate for Manchester.
Manchester MPs think Transport for the North (TfN) will be good for business, but have said it needs to be beneficial for everyone else as well.
Millions of pounds of pension money from all 10 Greater Manchester councils are being invested in companies accused of war crimes, racial discrimination, and massive environmental ruin.
The lives of the Charlie Hebdo shooting victims would have been saved by police competency, according to a French lecturer at the University of Manchester.
Kieran Turner-Dave, the Green party’s Manchester Central candidate, has backed the Prime Minister David Cameron’s ultimatum to Ofcom that he will not take part in TV debates unless the Greens are included.
A Manchester MP has slammed David Cameron for proclaiming his support for the North on the same day the city council was forced to announce drastic budget cuts.
Liberal Democrat MP for South Manchester, John Leech has today joined the Shadow Cabinet as a spokesperson for Culture, Media and Sport.
Ed Miliband vowed to go door-to-door holding ‘four million conversations’ with the working people of Britain to win Labour’s ‘once-in-a-generation fight’ against the Conservative Party.
‘Normal minded folk’ are turning against Ukip and females are being detracted to vote for them ahead of next year’s election, according to an upcoming Parliamentary candidate in Manchester.
The Green Party is planning to overhaul the Liberal Democrats and UKIP next year, according to their Manchester Central candidate.
Leigh MP Andy Burnham came under fire for insulting the victims of the Mid Staffordshire hospital scandal in a heated Twitter exchange on Saturday night.
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