‘We should be in touch with world’: Altrincham’s Brady defends second jobs for MPs
Graham Brady has insisted that it is important for MPs to do work outside of their political responsibilities, to stay ‘in touch with the world outside Westminster’.
Graham Brady has insisted that it is important for MPs to do work outside of their political responsibilities, to stay ‘in touch with the world outside Westminster’.
Tim Farron has said that ‘it stinks’ that Manchester is ruled by the Labour Party, and likened the ‘one-party state’ to North Korea.
A Pendlebury politician has vowed to slice the Salford mayoral wage in half as he steps up his campaign.
New research conducted by the University of Manchester has revealed that asylum accommodation is reviewed based on profit, and not the wellbeing of the occupants.
A prominent philosopher and retired clinical neuroscientist has spoken in defence of a publicly-owned NHS, stating that we are becoming an ‘undeveloping country’ under our current Conservative Government.
A group of young Labour councillors from across Greater Manchester are determined to make their voices heard in the EU referendum debate.
International Women’s Day on March 8 is a celebration of how much we have achieved, how far we’ve come but also to acknowledge how much more can be done.
After becoming disillusioned with life in a bobsleigh, Manchester Olympian Rebekah ‘Bex’ Wilson is rediscovering her love for sport on the rugby pitch.
Visiting a refugee camp may not be a weekend activity that immediately springs to mind but for a young Manchester-based theatre director it was an essential and rewarding trip.
Greater Manchester has a rich social history, but did you know that it can boast the title of the city that launched the most celebrated career in British public life?
Around a hundred protesters turned out to call on the UK Government to act on and stop supporting the killing of Oromo people in Ethiopia, in Albert Square yesterday.
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