Manchester Jobseeker’s Allowance claim plunge is ‘too little too late’, claim MPs
The number of Mancunians applying for JSA has dropped over the last year but more needs to be done according to Labour MP Graham Stringer.
The number of Mancunians applying for JSA has dropped over the last year but more needs to be done according to Labour MP Graham Stringer.
A report released by the Office for National Statistics today ranks Manchester near bottom of the disability-free life expectancy tables, meaning they are also likely to die sooner.
A total of 1,117,000 people were economically inactive between October and December 2013 according to the Office for National Statistics
Single mums aged 16-24 are being targeted by burglars
Rates are linked with obesity, alcohol and smoking
Criminalising the mentally ill due to lack of beds
Manchester placed highly in the North West
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