‘Get me there’: Manchester’s bus and trams set for Oyster style smart travelcards
Manchester’s bus and tram customers could be using the smart ticketing ‘get me there’ system before the end of the year, according to a new report released today.
Manchester’s bus and tram customers could be using the smart ticketing ‘get me there’ system before the end of the year, according to a new report released today.
A massive £99million in funding is to be provided to local firms across Cheshire and Warrington to help create jobs and boost skills.
George Osborne must explain how the postponement of Network Rail’s planned update work will impact the ‘Northern Powerhouse’, according to the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).
Chancellor George Osborne has been told he either needs to ‘put up or shut up’ by an Ashton Labour MP after plans to electrify the railway line between Manchester and Leeds seem to have been out on hold.
Secretary of State for Transport, Patrick McLoughlin believes improved transport links across the north of England will help proved economic benefit to the region.
The current Greater Manchester Police and Crime Commissioner was chosen by a panel representing the 10 Greater Manchester councils and beat off competition from Wigan Council leader Lord Peter Smith.
Wednesday’s Queen’s Speech reaffirmed the government’s commitment to creating a ‘Northern Powerhouse’ with Manchester at its centre.
Manchester can be an example to the rest of the country according to the Chancellor George Osbourne who was speaking in the city yesterday.
As Manchester gets used to the idea of being earmarked as the centre of a ‘Northern Powerhouse’, Chancellor George Osborne has been busy outlining his vision for a metropolitan reform.
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