Online app new tool to help Manchester alcoholics battle addiction and relapse
An online alcohol demotivator app is giving alcoholics across Manchester and the country another tool to add to their sobriety tool kit in their battle against addiction.
An online alcohol demotivator app is giving alcoholics across Manchester and the country another tool to add to their sobriety tool kit in their battle against addiction.
The family of a missing Bolton man are growing more and more concerned for his safety as Greater Manchester Police continue appeals to the public to help locate him.
Heys Court will provide 19 apartments focussed on allowing disadvantaged adults to live a more independent life, with a further six to be used as assessment units for residents with more severe illnesses.
Manchester children with autism and severe learning difficulties will have a new place to learn as Prime Minister David Cameron announced the building of a free school in Wythenshawe today.
The wellbeing of the Manchester’s residents is in for a boost thanks to a new partnership being formed under the devolution of health and social care.
Thousands of private renters in the North West are said to have suffered illegal acts at the hands of landlords, according to new research.
John Martin, 48, has been charged with the murder of Natalia Strelchenko, an international concert pianist who lived in Newton Heath.
Local comedy writers and performers are open to register for the Greater Manchester Fringe Comedy Festival, as the event returns for the third successive year.
The University of Manchester has underscored its status as the world’s leading centre for graphene research, as the first artist’s impression of their new £60million centre has been released.
Two balaclava-clad thieves raided a One Stop shop in Moston yesterday morning, fleeing with cash and cigarettes – police are appealing for witnesses to the crime.
The unprovoked attack happened outside the Planet USA takeaway on South Parade, Rochdale, at about 5am on July 26.
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