NHS crisis: Tories are trying to put ‘plaster’ on gaping A&E wounds, claims Tameside MP
Tameside MP Andrew Gwynne has condemned the government’s response to the A&E crisis that has left units across the country ‘at the point of collapse’.
Tameside MP Andrew Gwynne has condemned the government’s response to the A&E crisis that has left units across the country ‘at the point of collapse’.
Rail fare increases in the North West are under fire, being branded a ‘rip off’ by Oldham East and Saddleworth MP Debbie Abrahams after changes were introduced last Friday.
Asylum seekers are an ‘unfair burden’ on Rochdale and many should go ‘back to their own country’, according to the town’s MP Simon Danczuk.
Rochdale councillor Karen Danczuk, dubbed ‘the sexiest woman in politics’, has made more than £1,000 selling signed selfies of herself on eBay.
Major international companies need to stop hiding behind the names of small businesses to deceive unsuspecting victims of nuisance calls claims a Cheadle MP.
Councillor Karen Danczuk, wife of Simon, has gained a reputation for posting provocative selfies which often include her cleavage on the social media site.
A Stretford MP is urging Trafford Council to rethink plans to close all but one youth centre in the borough after a Tory minister branded the cuts ‘choice, not a necessity’.
A Stockport councillor has leapt to the defence of Labour MP Emily Thornberry, saying her forced resignation over an ‘ill-judged’ tweet was an ‘overreaction’.
Wythenshawe and Sale West’s Labour MP Mike Kane is pointing the finger at government for the increased inequality between the rich and the poor in the North West
Oldham MP Debbie Abrahams has sensationally accused the government of contributing to the deaths of vulnerable people due to sanctioning benefit claims in order to improve Government figures.
Child exploitation in Manchester ‘real and ongoing problem’ with victims too often blamed by police, report warns
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