‘20% increase in 4 months is simply not on!’: Lib Dem Andy Kelly wants halt to ‘rail rip off’
UK rail commuters are furious after seeing rail prices soar, meaning the average person is paying over £120 extra a year.
UK rail commuters are furious after seeing rail prices soar, meaning the average person is paying over £120 extra a year.
Stockport Council’s leader of the opposition has slammed the behaviour of the Conservative and Labour parties in the aftermath of last week’s Brexit vote.
Labour failed to sweep the board like many predicted but red half of Wigan can still be pleased.
The Salford Green Party have accused the Liberal Democrats of betraying their members after the former opposition to Labour pulled all candidates from competing for the city’s 21 seats.
Tim Farron has said that ‘it stinks’ that Manchester is ruled by the Labour Party, and likened the ‘one-party state’ to North Korea.
Rochdale MP Simon Danczuk has fired back at Lib Dem Leader Andy Kelly after the councillor labelled him a ‘hypocrite of the highest order’.
Oldham Council has united in firmly opposing proposals to close Oldham Magistrates Court and Oldham County Court.
Stockport’s council leader is determined to accept more Syrian refugees but says her borough and all of Greater Manchester will need greater government support if they are to carry out this ‘simple act of human compassion’.
Local Liberal Democrats are demanding that secret information on how bus companies are performing should be made accessible to the public by Transport for Greater Manchester.
Over the last 65 years the Greater Manchester constituency of Cheadle has been a battleground between the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives, becoming used to the political pendulum swinging between the two without being challenged from outsiders.
In what was once a Liberal Democrat-Labour swing seat, Rochdale Lib Dem candidate Andy Kelly has lamented his party’s time in government as the source of a collapsed vote in the constituency.
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