Manchester charity urges inspiring young adults to join fight for educational equality
A youth social action charity is looking for inspirational young adults to help transform the lives of children in Greater Manchester.
A youth social action charity is looking for inspirational young adults to help transform the lives of children in Greater Manchester.
The EU vote to introduce gender equality measures to ‘all levels’ of the education system will ‘amplify the representation of women’ in our social and political spheres for future generations, according to a North West MEP.
A Greater Manchester Labour MP has said it will be ‘catastrophic’ if the future leadership ignore Ed Miliband’s suffering at the hands of the right-wing press or water down what the party stands for.
People in Manchester city centre are not even expected to reach the traditional retirement ages of 60 and 65 before moving into a phase where their health is neither very good nor good.
The People’s History Museum commemorated the women’s suffrage movement last Saturday as part of International Women’s Day (IWD) – documenting the events before females were eventually granted the full right to an electoral vote in 1928.
The wealthiest 1% of the world’s population will own more than the remaining 99% within two years, according to a report by the aid and development charity Oxfam.
Wythenshawe and Sale West’s Labour MP Mike Kane is pointing the finger at government for the increased inequality between the rich and the poor in the North West
You are TWICE as likely to smoke if you live in a deprived area – and a fifth of the country’s poorest areas are in Greater Manchester, a study has revealed
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