GCSEs make teens feel stupid even when they’re NOT, says Manchester education boss
As the GCSE results gender gap widens, a Manchester education boss is claiming the exams don’t just make boys feel stupid but girls too ‘even when they’re not’.
As the GCSE results gender gap widens, a Manchester education boss is claiming the exams don’t just make boys feel stupid but girls too ‘even when they’re not’.
Julie Ward MEP, whose sister is a teacher, believes that ‘knee-jerk’ government interventions in offering incentives for STEM recruits has prompted further crisis in the education system.
A national report by the Centre of Economic and Business Research (CERB) has revealed that the cost of raising a child to the age of 21 was up by £5,000 last year.
Details today emerged of a possible scheme from LGBT Youth North West to create a school for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people in the city.
Bolton West MP Julie Hilling is backing the British Heart Foundation’s push to make it compulsory for children to learn life-saving skills in school.
More than half of Tameside’s secondary schools are inadequate or require improvement, according to Ofsted’s annual report.
Manchester has been voted in the top 50 student cities in the world – and top three in the UK, according to the QS Best Student Cities poll.
Parents in the North West believe the school curriculum and consumer technology are stifling their children’s creativity, according to a new study.
Rochdale are one of a number of football clubs nationwide offering futsal scholarships for 16 to 18-year-olds, with the intention of encouraging graduates to study at university or pursue a career in sport at a high level.
As a part of his visit to Stockport, Nick Clegg signed off on the agreement as well as meeting with local schoolchildren, politicians and business leaders as a part of his Northern Futures campaign
Growing up with dyspraxia is a constant battle against bullies, ignorance and feelings of inferiority – the only way forward is positive thinking, self-belief and retaining your humility
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