Dealing with loan sharks could cost arm and leg, warn Salford and Oldham councils
Salford and Oldham councils join forces with GMP and Illegal Money Lending Team to warm people of dangers of dealing with loan sharks
Salford and Oldham councils join forces with GMP and Illegal Money Lending Team to warm people of dangers of dealing with loan sharks
The ‘irrecoverable debts’ relating to council tax, business rates, benefit overpayments and tenant arrears were shelved in a low-key council meeting yesterday afternoon
A leading Greater Manchester economist has labelled the latest set of public sector finances a ‘serious embarrassment’ for the government.
A finance watchdog has warned 2,500 customers to stop paying three Bolton debt firms – or face losing their money.
Yannick Bastos only second player from Luxembourg to play in Britain
Bolton mid-table in Championship and have £163.8million debt
Homeless charity Shelter are offering help and support
Tommy Roye and three others are due to be sentenced
Computers in public Salford buildings will block the sites
Ronaldo left Old Trafford for Real Madrid in 2009
Real Madrid star confirmed new deal rumours are false
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