Manchester Irish Festival: Green and white of Ireland invade Manchester’s red and blue as 200,000 expected
It is estimated that the annual event will generate around £10million in revenue for the city
It is estimated that the annual event will generate around £10million in revenue for the city
City to host largest ever celebrations
Theatre companies will collaborate with each other
UNESCO world heritage site Pafos is quaint and charming
Black History Month 2013 still has much to offer in Manchester
Since 2003, the Martin Harris Centre has encouraged artistic growth
Alison Erika Fordes’ exhibition is featured at Manchester Art Gallery
Poppy project will remember those who died in The Great War
Futurist Tom Cheesewright believes region could lead way in space colonies
Newly-renovated Hyde Festival Theatre is throwing open its doors
MM’s readers were in uproar last week after the mural of Walter White
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