LG takes on BT: Manchester charity celebrate 15th birthday with new name
A Manchester LGBT charity have embraced change and celebrated their 15th anniversary with a brand new name.
A Manchester LGBT charity have embraced change and celebrated their 15th anniversary with a brand new name.
Philip Lee, chief executive at Epilepsy Action, explained that the day would help give people a clearer understanding and address the ‘stigma’ attached to the condition.
One man and his hearing dog are on a mission to fetch followers to raise money for life-changing disability dog training charity, Hearing Dogs for Deaf People.
Hugo Porcher, 5, from Norfolk, was diagnosed with an optic nerve glioma brain tumour in October 2013 and began chemotherapy treatment when he was just three years old.
Is there such a thing as a rational suicide? This is the controversial question to be addressed during a debate at Manchester Museum as part of SICK! Festival.
For one go-getting Salford University graduate it is all early nights and a hectic training schedule at the moment as he plans to take on two marathons and one mega marathon in just three months to raise £35,000 for children in Malawi.
The mum of a brave Bury teen who lost his battle with a terminal illness last year has launched a Mother’s Day appeal as she prepares her first year without him.
Almost two thirds of disabled people in the North West face greater barriers making and sustaining friendships compared to non-disabled people according to a report commissioned by a UK disability charity.
Two women are spicing up World Book Day by encouraging you to get up close and personal with a genre of literature recently over-shadowed by a ‘certain book that shall remain nameless’.
Only 1200 people in Manchester are signed up the blood stem cell donor register. In response to those statistics, Delete Blood Cancer UK have launched a new campaign to increase the numbers of donors.
Government statistics have shown a worrying 79% increase in the number of rough sleepers in Manchester- which homes more rough sleepers than anywhere except London
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