‘Chaos’ and ‘misery’ for North West renters as thousands fall victim to ‘rogue’ landlords
Thousands of private renters in the North West are said to have suffered illegal acts at the hands of landlords, according to new research.
Thousands of private renters in the North West are said to have suffered illegal acts at the hands of landlords, according to new research.
Wood Street Mission, which launched a major new initiative earlier in the summer called SmartStart Manchester & Salford to help low income families with school costs, supplied school uniform worth more than £85,000 to 1,741 children and 835 families in August.
National charity Contact the Elderly, is looking for volunteers to host monthly tea parties across Chorlton, Didsbury, Withington, West Didsbury and Heaton Moor in a bid to help older people expand their often-limited social circle.
The closure of Kids Company following the withdrawal of a £3million government bailout has shone a spotlight on young people’s charities like never before.
Top street artists behind some of Manchester’s most recognised graffiti will compete in public for the first time ever at this year’s underground art battle event, which is set to really ‘raise the bar’.
Children’s toys, intended for kids this Christmas, have been stolen from a Rochdale church along with cash from a charity box and other items.
Former Hacienda DJ Dave Haslam is set to offer insights and anecdotes from his time working the decks at the Manchester nightclub during an appearance on Leeds-based chat show Chinwag.
Everyone in Manchester who ‘gives a spit’ about blood cancer is being urged to head down to The Printworks to help those suffering from these often terminal illnesses.
A Manchester charity, dedicated to improving the lives of the city’s sex workers, has been honoured with a Charity Achievement Award from The Lloyds Bank Foundation for the hard work of their volunteers.
Nissan dealership’s charity weekend in memory of Bury teen Super Josh, who died last year, has been hailed a huge success after it raised £1,100.
Greater Manchester midwives have been crowned the best in the country after delivering an exceptional performance in Unicef’s ‘Baby Friendly’ accreditation tests.
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