Britannia ‘worst hotel’ shame proves London Road Fire Station ‘needs new owners’
Britannia Hotels scored a horrifying 33% on average in customer satisfaction scores, based on study from Which? Consumer magazine.
Britannia Hotels scored a horrifying 33% on average in customer satisfaction scores, based on study from Which? Consumer magazine.
The FA is teaming up with Breast Cancer Care, for the Pass It On campaign, a bid to raise at least £500,000 through local and national fundraising efforts between 2014 and 2016
Oldham charities and politicians show their support for International Day of the Girl, a UN campaign against gender equality and abuse of girls wordlwide
Mancunians will take to the streets on Saturday to protest against a secretive EU-US Trade deal which campaigners say will put the NHS at risk of privatisation.
London Road Fire Station has stood dormant and undeveloped since 1986 when it was brought by Britannia Hotels
World’s oldest working model, Daphne Selfe, is the new face of intu Trafford Centre’s Dare to Wear campaign
Drag queens and members of Manchester’s trans community are rallying against Facebook as the social media giant move to DELETE their profiles if they do not use their ‘real names’.
Manchester-based LGF (Lesbian and Gay Foundation) are supporting the proposal of an overall increase in the quality of Sex and Relationship Education (SRE), especially in areas focussing on the teaching of gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans and intersex relationships.
Corrie star Jennie McAlpine is urging fellow Bury women to ‘make a pledge’ and get active as part of the I Will If You Will fitness campaign
A social media campaign is bringing deceased pets back to their owners throughout Greater Manchester as the Highway Agency’s (HA) duties are questioned.
A journalism student has bounced his way to victory with his third pogo-related Guinness World Record of the year, all in aid of raising cash for Manchester children’s hospital charity.
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