Oldham Council cuts: Have YOUR say on finding £20m after budget slashed again
Oldham Council is appealing to residents after budget cuts mean they must find savings of more than £20m.
Oldham Council is appealing to residents after budget cuts mean they must find savings of more than £20m.
Manchester’s empty warehouses should be converted into homeless shelters by the City Council, according to a charity spokesman.
Chancellor George Osborne yesterday revealed his vision for a ‘Northern powerhouse’ in his final budget ahead of May’s General Election.
Local residents are being encouraged by the Salford City Council to engage in an interactive conversation to help the council tackle continuing budget cuts on vital services.
Oldham Council have admitted that it may be forced to close all but one of their youth centres if plans to make handover services to charity provision go ahead
Renewable energy will soon be shining bright and available to the public as Greater Manchester’s first accessible solar farm will be opened later this month in Rochdale.
A £27million investment by Manchester City Council will bring three state-of-the-art leisure centres to Beswick, Hough End and Levenshulme.
He was also seen in the video depicting the beheading of David Haines at the hands of the Islamist terrorist group earlier this month
The shadow chancellor unveiled a budget containing tough measures the Labour party deemed necessary in order for the United Kingdom to prosper
There could be tough times ahead for Wigan ward, Ince, according to re-elected Labour candidate James Moodie, who stormed to a fourth consecutive victory.
Andrew Stunell backs council decision to keep centres open
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