Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn backs Oldham MP’s disability equality roadshow
The Labour leader was in Manchester for the launch of the project by Oldham MP Debbie Abrahams.
The Labour leader was in Manchester for the launch of the project by Oldham MP Debbie Abrahams.
Despite dominating politics in the 18th and 19th centuries, it has been 150 years since the Whig Party contested an election in Manchester – but now they’re back!
Bedroom tax is not just hitting Manchester residents hard, but their pets too, as the benefits squeeze makes people feel they have no choice but to abandon their four-legged friends
The bill, which passed 306 to 231 in a debate today in Parliament, will preclude anyone from the Bedroom Tax unless they can be found a smaller home to move to
Manchester city centre councillor Kevin Peel wants the voices of Mancunians to burst the ‘Westminster Bubble’ – and backed Ed Miliband to become Prime Minister.
Bedroom tax is a ‘cruel, punitive and discriminatory’ policy, claims Oldham MP Michael Meacher in an explosive post on his blog.
A notorious anti-Bedroom Tax campaigner is set to appear in court over rent arrears – and could face being given the boot from his home.
Protesters, who were made up of members from action group UK Uncut and the People’s Assembly, claimed the company have avoided paying any corporation tax since 2011
Manjeet Kaur fled India and arrived in the UK in 2011
River Axe-the-tax changed name by deed poll
The South Manchester man has lived in his home for 12 years
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