Moss Side has the greatest percentage of residents over the age of 16 claiming unemployment benefits.
According to data obtained from the council, 10.78% of residents of Moss Side are claiming Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) and Universal Credit.
Of those living under Manchester City Council, there are 24,800 unemployment benefit claimants equivalent to 6.19% of the council’s population.
The ward with the lowest number of claimants is Deansgate, with only 1.13%, an area of the city dotted with new builds and up-market flats.
The two wards of the affluent suburb of Didsbury, West and East both have 2.3% of their populations claiming unemployment benefits.
Other wards with high numbers of unemployment benefit claimants are Longsight, with 10.25% and Gorton & Abbey Hey at 10.37%.
These unemployment figures are based on the number of people over the age of 16 who are claiming unemployment benefits, namely Job Seeker’s Allowance and Universal Credit.
The Job Seeker’s Allowance is a benefit given to those who are actively seeking work.
Universal Credit, introduced in 2013 as a way of combining six different monthly benefits, is given to those on low incomes or households who need financial support.
Compared with the rest of the UK, which has an benefit claimant rate of 3.83%, in Greater Manchester as a whole, 5.07% of its population are seeking benefits.
Below shows the data for all the council’s wards.

Data obtained from the Manchester City Council Intelligence Hub.
Image credit Charlie Valentine