
Robbers hold machete to pregnant woman’s stomach – latest in string of Oldham gang attacks

By Danielle Wainwright

A pair of knife-wielding thugs subjected a pregnant woman to a harrowing attack in Oldham on Friday as they pointed a machete at her stomach while stealing cash and phones.

The woman and her friend were pushing their prams on Furniss Avenue at around 5pm on June 21, when a man came behind them and attempted to put something over their faces.

An accomplice then threatened the woman by pointing a machete at her bump and the pair searched through the prams stealing cash and the victim’s mobile phones.

Oldham Police have now stepped up patrols as the area has seen a surge in robberies since June 15 in which two different groups of offenders are believed to have committed 18 robberies.

Inspector Jim Troisi said: “First and foremost, we would like to reassure our communities that we are doing everything we can to bring those responsible to justice.

“While some of these robberies may be linked, and indeed there may be more than one group carrying out offences, we are committed to delivering justice for each person who has recently been a victim of robbery in or around Oldham.”

Operation Manila has been set up to combat the problem, and residents are asked to share their concerns with police.

The gangs are using knives and machetes to target vulnerable people in the area with four robberies in the Alexandra area and four in the St Mary’s district.

As part of the operation, two boys have been arrested on suspicion of robbery and bailed pending further enquiries.

Inspector Troisi said: “We have stepped up patrols and lots of work is happening on the ground to help people feel safe as they go about their daily business.

“We are appealing for witnesses and would urge anyone with any information to call us.”

Anyone with any information is asked to call police on 0161 856 8927 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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