
Manchester foodbank Charity wins national award for helping the homeless

Homeless foodbank charity Feedo Needo has won the humanitarian award at the national Charity Today Awards. 

The Charity Today Awards is a national charity awards programme, recognising excellence in all the national charities across the UK. 

Each year they open ten categories so they can receive nominations from charities, individuals, and community groups. 

Manchester-based charity Feedo Needo was in competition with hundreds of different entrants across the nation, and made it to the final two in their category. 

In the final category they were up against R;pple, a charity which aims to reduce risks of the internet.

A public vote took place in the final category, with the two charities needing at least 50% of the votes to win. 

Feedo Needo successfully picked up 55.6% of the votes and are now celebrating their win. 

Rafa Ahmed, Project Manager at Feedo Needo commented on the charity’s success. 

He said: “We’d like to say thank you so much to everyone who voted for Feedo Needo.

“It’s overwhelming to see the small team at Feedo Needo get such prestigious recognition, for the amazing work they do across the Birmingham, Manchester, Bradford and London locations; helping the homeless and supporting families throughout the pandemic. 

“Everything that we do would not be possible without our incredible volunteers and local partners.

“We cannot thank them enough for their continued efforts. 

“While the next few months may be challenging, we want people to know that we can offer essential support. 

“Through free food parcels, essential toiletries, and multi-faceted community help.” 

Feedo Needo supports the homeless and those struggling financially, they support the people suffering by providing them with free food parcels. 

They also provide multi-faceted contributions towards society. 

Feedo Needo’s city centre foodbank at has been a huge safety net to those that have struggled throughout the pandemic. 

Universal credit cuts and an increase in energy bills mean organisations like Feedo Needo are crucial to have in big cities.

Without charities like Feedo Needo, families wouldn’t be provided with the vital necessities they need to survive.  

Currently the 1824 Vagrancy Act makes sleeping rough an offence for the homeless, which is why organisations like Feedo Needo are so important to have.  

Yesterday Boris Johnson issued a statement to ITV news, saying homeless people shouldn’t be criminalised for sleeping rough. 

This comes after the ITV news reported that the 1824 Vagrancy Act, could be getting overturned. 

The Vagrancy Act makes sleeping or begging a criminal offence for rough sleepers in England. 

If this act is overturned, homeless people would be allowed to legally sleep on the streets for the first time in 200 years. 

Boris Johnson said to ITV news: “The time has come to reconsider the Vagrancy Act, but also to redouble our efforts to fight homelessness.

“I think we have done this successfully over the pandemic but must continue to do so.” 

Acts like this show why organisations like Feedo Needo are vital to have in cities like Manchester, especially during the upcoming winter months. 

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