Students at Leeds University are demanding a rent refund after being given strict warnings not to return to the West Yorkshire Campus.
Cut The Rent Leeds are campaigning after taking inspiration from successful Manchester students who won a 30% rent cut back in November of last year.
Danny Partington, conductor of the Leeds strike said: “We are encouraging people to not pay their rent for March if they pay monthly and others to do the same for termly payments.”
Cut The Rent Leeds are demanding:
- 40% reduction of all rent paid so far.
- A Rent Rebate for the duration of the third National Lockdown.
- No repercussions for persons involved in strikes
- Free cancellation of contracts

Leeds University has given the option for students to apply for a rent refund during the period from January 11 to February 19.
But students say this fails to take into account that students have been told since September 2020 that face to face teaching will not be taking place and to not move into their accommodation.
Mx Partington added: “We feel let down and ignored by the University.
“The response from them is unacceptable”
Last week an email was sent out from Leeds University stating their demands would not be met.
The university later released a statement on its website, which said: “We encourage the small number of students who are withholding rent payments to end their rent strike now and for those that do, we promise there will be no late payment penalties.”
Cut The Rent Leeds are joined with over 50 University Rent Strike groups up and down the country all campaigning for a rent reduction due to the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Mx Partington said: “We’ve been campaigning since early December, it’s time the uni act upon this and do something about it”.