Breast cancer is still the most common cancer in the UK according to the UK’s largest breast cancer charity and is the foremost cause of death in women under the age of 50.
Around 55,000 women and 350 men are diagnosed with breast cancer annually in the UK according to statistics provided by Breast Cancer Now.
That includes 1 in 8 women in the UK developing breast cancer at some stage in their lifetime.
Unfortunately, almost 11,500 women and 80 men will lose the fight against this devastating and distressing disease each year in the UK, which is roughly estimated to 1,000 deaths each month.
The hashtag #55000Reasons is a campaign by Breast Cancer Now on twitter to allow those affected by the disease to share their reasons to why it is fundamental for breast cancer services to receive funding by the NHS.
Breast cancer can be caused by multiple factors many including a combination of genetics, lifestyle choices and environmental impacts.
The charity says that up to 15% of individuals may have a family history of breast cancer which is the main reason why they have developed the disease.
Why it is important to check?
It is vital for women to know how their breasts look and feel daily, as it can help them watch out for any unfamiliar changes.
Eluned Hughes, Head of Public Health and Information at Breast Cancer Now, says regular checks are a must.
She said: “It’s good to get in a habit of regular checking and making it part of your weekly or monthly routine. It also doesn’t matter where you do it –in the shower, getting ready for bed, after a workout, or while watching TV”
According to Breast Cancer Now by simply following their guide of TLC – Touch, Look Check – women can detect any unfamiliar changes to their breasts
Touch your breasts – Can you feel anything uncommon and different like a lump? Is there any insistent or unusual pain?
Look for changes – Is there any change in shape, colour or texture? Any puckering or dimpling? Any redness or swelling?
Check anything unusual with your doctor – If there any unusual changes, it’s imperative to make an appointment with your doctor and get it checked out.
October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month is significant as it is aimed to empower those battling the disease to not give up hope and fight against it.
Breast Cancer Now says that if we don’t act now then by 2030, more than 57,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer every year and over 1.2 million women will be living with or after a breast cancer diagnosis.
Remember the earlier the diagnosis the better chance the treatment will work.
What you can do to show your support
There are many ways in which you can show your support for those battling the disease. One of the ways includes to let go of your everyday colours and wear pink on Friday 19th October to raise money for Breast Cancer Now’s cancer research.
Alternatively you can organise an event in your local communities, schools and workplaces on the day and donate to Breast Cancer Now to help the charity accomplish its aim that “by 2050 everybody who develops cancer will live and live well”
If you would like take part in wear it pink, please visit for more details.
For any further information on breast cancer please visit