
Lifesaving pink defibrillator and bleed kit installed in Stockport town centre

Stockport market square has welcomed its first dual box – containing a lifesaving defibrillator and bleed kit.

Defibulous, set up by Bramhall resident Tracey Blackmore, and Davenport local Sally Flitcroft, has installed its first pink dual box in Stockport market square.

The specially commissioned dual boxes not only include cardiac equipment, but also bleed kits – which are essential lifesaving packs needed due to the increase in knife crime, Flitcroft has said.

Supported by charity fundraisers, local businesses and members of the Greater Manchester community, Blackmore and Flitcroft have dedicated their time to raising awareness of the importance of accessibility to defibrillators.

Flitcroft said: “For my 50th birthday, instead of presents, I asked for money towards a defibrillator.”

The Newest Pink Dual Box outside of Cherry Jam, Stockport market square, via Tracey Blackmore and Sally Flitcroft.

At a staggering £2000 per defibrillator, donations have been essential to the expansion of the charity.

The Defibulous duo have stated their aim is to model the American city of Seattle’s dedication to implementing defibrillators wherever it is possible to do so.

Blackmore and Flitcroft have said that in order for their system of dual boxes to work efficiently, one must be installed every half a mile in Britain.

Flitcroft said: “You need to be within three minutes of a defibrillator to survive.”

In the future, Defibulous intends to incorporate an “autoinjector” – medical equipment used to combat anaphylactic reactions – within their emergency boxes.

The two friends have organised the installation of over 22 defibrillators since forming the charity in 2019, and have plans to expand with more support from the Greater Manchester community in the future.

You can find more information on Defibulous here.

Featured image: Tracey Blackmore and Sally Flitcroft

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