Angry university students have organised two protests to fight for reduced rent and tuition fees.
The protests have been organised for today and tomorrow for students in Manchester to have the chance to fight for reduced rent and university tuition fees.
Manchester Marxist Society has arranged an online rent strike because they believe ‘students were lured back to Manchester on false pretences’.
The strike will be hosted by two speakers from MMS and Fallowfield HMP who are looking to discuss salutation and how students can fight back.
This event will be hosted at 7pm tonight and is free for anyone to join in order to ‘take on the greedy and callous landlords.’
‘S.A.F.E.R’ have also organised another Manchester University protest to reduce university fees at Owen’s Park at 8pm tomorrow.
S.A.F.E.R was the organisation that arranged the recent protests in Fallowfield regarding the fences that were erected around the university campus.
They are now seeking to protests against university fees and are demanding for fees to be reduced to £6,192 yearly for all students, which is the amount payed by Open University students who study online.
They are also asking for clarification of how tuition fees are being spent by the university ad for the university to contact the government regarding the reimbursement of tuition fees.