
The Mancorialist corner: Manchester is singing in the rain ahead of Pride’s Big Weekend

By The Mancorialist

The rain has returned, the brollies are back but Mancunians are still managing to showcase their savvy summer style.

With Manchester flirting between sunshine and its usual dreary state it seems that we have had all the continuous glorious weather this summer has to offer.

And although the sun may not be a regular feature in the Manchester skyline, it hasn’t stopped Manchester’s fashionistas from sporting some fabulous creations.

Bold and bright colours aren’t just for sun-drenched days as these ladies prove – incorporating vibrant colour combinations into your outfits can brighten up even the dullest grey day.

Instead of just using your umbrella to shield you from the wind and rain try using it as fashion accessory.

Why not take inspiration from Dolce & Gabbana’s floral and fruit prints and make like this woman with her flamboyant umbrella?

Hopefully the sun will manage to make another appearance this bank holiday weekend so that we can feel the warmth on our bodies one last time before autumn begins in earnest.

You can also follow him on Twitter @themancorialist

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