In this article, we will offer expert advice to help ensure your office is safe from Omicron. What are you waiting for?
Businesses are scrambling to estimate the impact of the new Covid-19 omicron version on the workplace.
Even though this has led several companies to reconsider their return-to-work procedures, many firms are reopening.
However, according to a new study, nearly half of those polled – 43% – are still concerned about returning to work.
Misinformation can spread faster than a virus. It’s fair to argue that government bodies’ misuse of cleaning industry recommendations, or simply a lack of understanding, has caused substantial difficulty for many clients seeking business cleaning services.
Whether you run an office, a manufacturing plant, or a retail store, you may take precautions to keep your customers, staff, and yourself healthy.
But, of course, this will necessitate a deliberate effort on the part of everyone. In the end, all it takes is one individual to spread an infection quickly.

People can acquire the infection by touching surfaces and then touching their nose, mouth, or eyes. In most cases, touching a surface poses little danger of infection.
Handwashing with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitiser is the most effective technique to avoid infection from surfaces.
However, there are other ways of fighting Omicron from spreading throughout your office and workforce, which we are going to look at today.
1. Ventilation – Good ventilation keeps the air fresh and removes the stuffiness that might build up indoors.
To keep the air fresh and dust-free, keep the window shields and air ducts clean and clean your carpets frequently.
2. Promote Vaccination – Vaccination remains the best approach to prevent serious illness, hospitalisation, or death from Covid-19.
Those vaccinated have a six-fold lower risk of infection, a 12-fold lower risk of hospitalisation, and a 14-fold lower risk of death.
Increasing vaccination acceptance among individuals who are not highly motivated requires convenient access to vaccines.
Employers should continue to promote vaccination through flexible scheduling and paid time off. In addition, they should consider joining the growing number of organisations that offer immunisations on-site.
3. Sanitation – Sanitise the facility’s surfaces regularly, especially those that are used by a large number of individuals throughout the day.
It’s critical to pay strict attention to kitchen appliances, door handles, and other high-touch surfaces in an office setting.
All high-touch locations must be cleaned and sanitised. Sanitise everything from doorknobs to taps, mirrors, phones, workstations, and keyboards.
If you’re concerned about safety, you can also provide your employees with disposable gloves and sanitisers.
Also, use commercial cleansers to deep clean the surface and focus on the overlooked locations.
4. Flexibility – Flexible schedules and remote employment have aided in creating sufficient social distance.
Employers are returning remote employees to the office gradually or on a staggered basis. Employers can utilise behavioural economics tactics to persuade employees to keep their social distance at work.
For example, if a conference room has a capacity of two persons, make sure there are just two chairs in it!
5. Professional Aid – Even the most committed staff may not provide enough protection against Omicron.
This strain spreads quickly and has been known to infect people who have been fully vaccinated.
The only real option is to hire an expert cleaning crew that is just as concerned about safeguarding your company as you are.

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose a threat to company owners across the board.
As a result, employers are increasingly concerned about the safety of their employees.
With COVID, it only takes one person to contract the virus, resulting in an outbreak that will bring your business to a halt.
In addition, the introduction of Omicron, the most recent, highly contagious, and vaccine-resistant COVID strain, has added to the confusion.
It may appear frightening at first, but there are precautions you can take, such as the ones listed above, to mitigate the possible impact of this new variant.