The next Mr Gay UK? Manchester hairstylist beats off stiff competition to become finalist in beauty hunt

By Alan Ross

A Manchester hair stylist has reached the final ten of the prestigious male beauty contest Mr Gay UK.

Lee Marsh, the Creative Director at Too Funky Hair on Deansgate, was one of 250 entrants of the online search to crown this year’s Mr Gay UK.

Mr Marsh said he entered on a whim after seeing that no-one from Manchester had put themselves forward to represent the city.

“I don’t know why I entered really. I was just sat at home looking at the pictures and thought I would enter and see what happens,” the 32-year-old told MM.

“A lot of the guys looked like they were down at the gym a lot but I’m just a normal guy I have probably been to the gym about twice in my life.

“I think the competition is a good thing and there are so many gay people here I thought it would be good to represent Manchester.”

After being introduced to Latin and Ballroom dancing five years ago by friends Mr Marsh now participates in dancing competitions in his spare time.

He explained: “I thought the dancing was fascinating. It taught me about the body and I liked the passion involved.”

Mr Marsh, who is originally from St Helens but has lived in Manchester for seven years, explained that Manchester’s gay scene is thriving.

He revealed: “The city is more accepting and the culture here is really good; there is always something going on. Everything changes between day and night.”

“You have Canal Street during the day and at night there is so much to do, you see all walks of life and it is interesting to see it all happen.”

Details of the competition can be found on the Facebook page here with information regarding the next round to be released soon.

Picture courtesy of Lee Marsh, with thanks

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