Square Wild have won the coveted Manchester ‘Metal2TheMasses’ (M2TM) competition in front of a crowd of more than 500 people.
The group, who were named Prog Magazine’s Best Unsigned Band in 2022, beat Dekaytah, Release The Hounds and 40,000 Leagues to win the final of the contest.
As winners, they now get to play at the prestigious Bloodstock festival, which attracts a cult-like following amongst metalheads.
Lead singer Lucy Shevchuk also spoke to MM about Square Wild’s victory.
She said: “It’s pretty unbelievable.
“It’s done so much for us in terms of getting us involved in a heavier scene, getting us in front of a completely new set of people.”
“It was so worth it just for the community spirit alone, never mind actually getting to Bloodstock.”
The annual contest is organised by the 0161 Manchester Underground Metal Community, who were massively impressed with Square Wild’s performances.
“Square Wild are just an amazing band, not only musically but their whole stage performance has been phenomenal,” James Bennett from the 0161 told MM.
“They brought something different every heat they played so you really didn’t know what to expect.”

The exposure and experience that the M2TM can provide to bands is an aspect that both Bloodstock and the local organisers are keen to state.
“M2TM is vital for the underground scene,” Barrett told MM.
“It allows bands to play to big audiences, especially in Manchester when you’re playing to anything from 250/300 for quarters and semis, then 500 people in the final.
“If bands can just treat them as shows and not get too nervous then the experience is magical.”
Barrett also reflected on the success they feel the tournament has been this year.
“I may be biased but I feel M2TM Manchester is both the strongest and toughest from any region.
“Every single heat we’ve had a packed venue ; and when you consider our heats were on Sundays, that makes it even better.”
“We’re very proud to run M2TM Manchester and hopefully we will continue to do so.”