Arts and Culture

Review: Stones in His Pockets is a theatrical masterclass

The 25th anniversary production of award-winning Irish play Stones in His Pockets is currently on stage at Bolton’s Octagon Theatre.

When a Hollywood film set descends on a small rural Irish town, the local extras become the stars of the show in this two man play.

The tragicomedy follows Charlie and Jake in their journey, as Hollywood’s romanticised version of Ireland contrasts with reality.

Ex-video salesman Charlie, an optimistic chancer who’s trying to get his film Amazon Killed the Video Store made, becomes friends with Jake, a realist who has just returned home with a failed American dream.

The play highlights a mixture of national and personal issues, with the story centring on the suicide of Jake’s cousin – a dreamer who becomes dispossessed when faced with the harsh reality of his Hollywood fantasy.

The sudden death of the young man forces the protagonists to take back ownership of their lives in the context of the fallout of the two worlds – taking the spotlight out of Hollywood and into the hands of the people.

The greatest part of the show is without doubt how the the pair play all of the many characters – switching seamlessly between the film’s director, star and flamboyant producer, as well as an old man and Jake’s troubled cousin.

McCabe and Blaney manage to make it seem so effortless that you almost forget they’re played by the same actors – they transform into an entirely new persona with a completely different accent simply by turning their hat around.

Gerard McCabe and Shaun Blaney at Bolton Octagon

The 25th anniversary version of the play is an immersive reimagining in its performance of the celebrated Irish work.

As well as inviting the audience into the world of the extras through immersive light and sound, the audience becomes part of the performance as a lively dance routine gets everyone clapping along and joining in with the party.

The play is a hilarious showcase of Irish wit and somehow is able to flow smoothly between its lighter parts and heartbreaking moments.

Gerard McCabe and Shaun Blaney at Bolton Octagon

By the end of the play, the duo are ready to move out of the shadows and into the spotlight to tell their story and claim ownership of their futures for themselves.

Overall, Stones in His Pockets is a deeply impressive performance of a hilarious and thoughtful play that perfectly balances a mixture of national and personal issues.

Gerard McCabe and Shaun Blaney performing at Bolton Octagon

Stones in His Pockets is on until November 2, for tickets click here.

Feature Image: Gerard McCabe and Shaun Blaney performing Stones in His Pockets (all images courtesy of Bolton Octagon)

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