Arts and Culture

Yule be amazed by AI’s Christmas markets! This is what AI predicted Manchester Christmas Markets 2024 will look like

With Christmas on the way, and Christmas markets set to be opened even earlier than usual, we asked DALL-E 3 (Chat GPT’s image generator) what was in store for the UK’s Christmas markets.

The top 10 markets were ranked by length of days they are open, hotel proximity, social media presence, and popularity by Google search by Christmas Tree World.

1. Birmingham

A massive Christmas tree is pictured towering above Birmingham city centre – nearly as tall as the skyscrapers. A version of the town hall sits on the doorstep of the market stalls, massive in comparison with the people below!

2. Edinburgh

A random red Santa sleigh sits between market stalls – and a carousel which dwarfs the ferris wheel nearby.

An odd chair with five legs sits at the bottom right of the image. But, one famous feature which is fact is Edinburgh Castle in the background.

3. Manchester

DALL-E 3 seems to knows about Manchester’s tradition of a big Santa near the town hall in Albert Square.

Father Christmas is surrounded by strangely named stalls calling Santa “Manta Claus” and “Santa Cilato.”

However, the strangest element of the picture may be the robot at the bottom left – next to a whirlpool(?) and a platter of fruit on a barrel.

4. York

The MM staff’s favourite picture! It could have been a painted image, Chat GPT did such a good job!

Tudor houses, York Minster in the background and a proportionate Christmas tree – it’s a picture definitely out of a fairytale.

5. Nottingham

Nottingham was next in the rankings, with AI proposing that an ice rink will be central to this year’s market.

6. Bath

Another massive tree appears at the Bath markets with a random fountain in the middle of the image. Could this be a link to Bath’s Roman connection?

7. Winchester

Massive trees appear to be a common theme in DALL-E 3’s images. And massive buildings as close to the markets as possible. This boring picture makes us think AI may have given up by this point!

8. London

The Gherkin, Tower Bridge and odd houses on the Thames are just a few of the features of this generated image. The capital city has weirdly few visitors at this market.

9. Glasgow

A small car is parked between markets on this image. Contrasting to other AI images, Glasgow’s market seems to be in proportion (mostly) – unlike many of the other pictures.

10. Newcastle

A massive light up dome sits in the middle of the markets – next to different coloured, small buses.

However, the weirdest part of the image is the person with a sign stuck in their body and the family sat inside a Christmas tree!

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