
Over a third of singles too embarrassed to talk lube on a date

Brits would rather discuss their ex’s than talk about lube on a first date, according to research.

New data reveals nearly half (40 per cent) would prefer to bring up their ex-partners, while the same number would feel too embarrassed to talk about lube at all.

Many women are putting up with sexual discomfort as they do not know dryness can be a cause, with nearly three quarters (73 per cent) having experienced discomfort during sex.

And this is contributing to as many as two in three women not feeling fully sexually satisfied.

Durex, with the help from dating app Thursday, is on a mission to break the lube taboo and get everyone talking about #LubeOutLoud, helping us all slip it into conversation from the very first date.

And dating expert Jess Wreford, from Thursday, said: “For sure, sex chat can be nerve wracking when you first connect with someone but there’s no reason to be embarrassed, it’s completely natural.

“If the thought of bringing up lube feels awkward, remember that it doesn’t have to be a difficult conversation – as women are naturally drier for 2/3 of the month and despite there still being a taboo around the subject, using lube in the bedroom is perfectly normal.

“In fact, I believe it should be encouraged!”

Thursday launched a poll on Instagram that revealed 80 per cent would wait up to six months before talking about lube, and over one in 10 (13 per cent) would never bring up using lube with a sexual partner.

Data also revealed that while nine in ten women say sex feels better with lube, less than five in ten will buy it.

With help from Thursday, Durex is here with the Naturals lubes range to encourage everyone to feel comfortable and confident talking about lube.

Together they want to help make every first conversation extra juicy, banishing taboos around lube and helping the nation to have better sex, every day.

Top tips for slipping lube into the conversation include being honest from the get-go, meaning you and your partner or partners will be more likely to have more satisfying sex as soon as you decide to give it a go.

And confidence and knowing what you want is also sexy, so don’t be afraid to be clear that something like lube is a way to help elevate sexual pleasure.

Humour and trying to keep things light-hearted can be a great way to ease up conversations, while bringing your partner or partners into the choice can increase the pleasure for both of you.

Nikki Hayward, from Durex, added: “Durex hopes that with a little bit of help, we can all ditch the lube taboo so that everyone can enjoy more satisfying sex and confidently talk #LubeOutLoud.

“We know it’s not always the easiest conversation to have, but by encouraging more open and honest conversation early on, we think lube can become a natural and easy part of sex.”

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