
Love is blind… blind as a bat! Fallowfield nature walk set to open public’s eyes and hearts

If you like bats and/or walking, then we have the event just for you, as environmental charity Sustrans are setting out on a Bat walk around Fallowfield Loop.

Assisted by the Grey to Green project and Greater Manchester Local Record Centre (GMLRC), the bat walk is set to start on Wednesday September 16 between 7pm and 9pm.

And a bat walk is exactly what it sounds like. But due to the expertise of those involved, there will be a chance to use bat detectors to pick up their calls, and even identify what kind of bat it is.

The aim of the walk is to raise awareness about local wildlife that only comes out at night.

FALLOWFIELD LOOP: Bat walk aiming to raise awareness

Manchester has come a long way from the damage caused during the Industrial Revolution.

Not only are previous sites of factories now teeming with wildlife, environmental action groups such as Fossil Free Manchester and Manchester Friends of the Earth are becoming increasingly vocal.

Matthew Holke, walk leader, and head of the Grey to Green project and part of GMLRC, is an example of the official arm of the changes happening, and believes there are several reasons why Manchester’s wildlife is improving.

He said: “The wide life and habitats of Greater Manchester are changing overtime as a result of numerous factors such as positive conservation management, reduction in pollution and the influences of climate change.

‘We need to continue to conserve and manage our green spaces and to record the wildlife we find there so that we can monitor the changes’

A potential problem with the walk lay in its ability to be advertised. After all, bats aren’t many people’s favourite animals. Yet, Mr. Holke didn’t seem to think that this would be a problem.

The Biodiversity Community Engagement Office at GMRLC said: “There are many misconceptions about bats, but there are many people who are passionate about them, just as many as dogs or cats.

“There is plenty that people can do to help bats, not least of which is learning more about these amazing creatures at events such as this bat walk.”

MISUNDERSTOOD: There are many misconceptions about bats (© Gilles San Martin)

The learning process is key to Mr. Holke and the GMLRC’s work, as the event is not only going to teach the public about bats, but also how to observe and crucially, record the wildlife in their local area.

One of the long term aims of organisers Sustran is making the streets safer, especially for children to encourage play.

While this is not a specific target of GMLRC, Mr. Holke hoped that events like this and families getting involved in preservation could be one of the long term impacts of their work.

If you would like to learn more about bats, conservation and how to look after your local environment, sign up for a ticket to the event here.

Photo courtesy of USFWS – Pacific Region, with thanks.

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